
This is my blog newsletter. I don't write here as much as I should. Instead, I'm electing to stay busy creating new stories!

This Newsletter Blog is a collection of musings and short stories on faith, God, family, friends and everything that may pertain there.

Our hope is that this inspires our readers to search out for God and discuss these blog topics here and with their own circles.

God bless you and thank you for joining us!

-- R. Carnie Littlefield

Table Of Contents

Click on specific date to jump to that blog entry. Newer blogs are on top. 

Sept. 16th, 2023 - Prince Of Egypt

This movie brings me to tears every time. I'm not ashamed to say that I feel God's Holy Spirit speak to me through every scene. Back when Dreamworks was unafraid to be totally real.

That's the point of this short blog entry:
"Is there anyone good left in the film industry?"

My prayer is that God is speaking to many others just like me and calling us all to create a revelation and revolution of goodness back in movies and tv shows. Come Holy Spirit and make Yourself known to us, show us how to become the warriors You've called us to be.

I want to be like Moses. I want to deliver my people from the enemy.

Come Lord Jesus and make Yourself known to us, in Your Name. Amen!

Nov. 6th, 2021 - Matthew 6:26

"Look at the birds"

The very short verse is part of a greater discussion in Matthew and I think it's a great reminder of how simple life can really be. We've made it so complicated, and yet God's promises never change.

Here's the verse:


"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? "

Ref: Matthew 6:26


I love this verse because it shows one facet of God's promises in the most common terms for all living things: Survival. God will always provide for His creations! Isn't that an incredible blessing to have? In this world where words mean little without actions, it's comforting to know that our Great God in Heaven shows us daily that He's more than capable of looking out for us without any additional help from us.

There are hundreds of verses in the Bible similar to this one, assuring us that God's abundance of grace, mercy, and love are always there. This means we don't have to do anything to access them or have them or feel them except practice loving Jesus just as much as He loves us (as if that's possible!)


Whenever I feel like I'm struggling with a decision, or tough crossroads in my life; I remember this verse and the key word "value". 

I love that this verse says that sparrows have value, even if used in a comparison to the greater value of humans, the little sparrow is still seen as a creature of value, of purpose. Notice that God also doesn't impart this value based on what the sparrows actually do with their time. It's inherit value given as a gift, not earned.

"They do not sow or reap or store away in barns" 

What a relief! Praise God that He's willing to provide for us, regardless of what we do or don't do! 


More thoughts later


Thanks for reading! 

- R. Carnie Littlefield

Was Goliath just one of many giants? Who were the 'Nephilim' ? He wasn't considered one, they say there were many even more powerful than he!

October 8th 2021 - Genesis

Genesis is a very interesting book of The Bible! 

What I was told as a kid: "While many people may think the Bible is one book, it's actually a collection of smaller books that span the centuries before and after Jesus. Genesis is the retelling of the Creation story as told through the generations of Adam and Eve. It helps begin The Bible and frames the telling of the longest story in history."

This is very true, however, I don't think anyone properly prepared me for the kind of revelations I would have later in life in reading Genesis for myself. A small paragraph synopsis didn't quite capture the millions of questions that are seemingly glossed-over in the book.


What I think now: "Genesis has crazier plots than most hollyweird movies! How did I not catch this as a kid??" 

My hope is that this discussion will help spark some questions to be asked, answers to be given, and hopefully an acknowledgement that God's Story is ultimately out of our control and out of our understanding (sometimes). 

I've broken this discussion up by question, to attempt to answer them myself.


First question: Who were the 'Nephilim' ?

Ref: Gen 6:1-6 / Numbers  13:30-33


Just to be clear, I don't have a clear answer and it appears that no one really does. 

The references to the "Nephilim" in the Bible don't make it clear that it's speaking about giants per se. The root word is more closely related to the verb "to fall" so it could be fallen angels mixing with the men and women of Adam and Eve's generational offspring. I lose track in the Bible of how many generations or splits or children of children of children Adam and Even were responsible for.


More thoughts later


Thanks for reading! 

- R. Carnie Littlefield

August 15th 2020

We're really started cranking up production on all these books! I'm excited to say that "SALT" is finally done with another 10 coloring books almost done!